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Early Baseball Uniforms Manufacturer Tags Database: 1890 - 1942
c. 1925 - Late 1930s
There is also a black label
version - (each version says REG
U.S. PAT. OFF under the circle)
** Note: The c.1914 - early 1930s tag was not used prior to
1914. Any dating of a uniform with this tag prior to 1914 is
Comparison of c. 1905 - 1906 and c. 1911 - 1913 tags. (click picture to enlarge)
* The use of "reg us pat off" on trade marks first started to be used in late
1905 based on the Trade Mark Act of 1905 which stipulated that companies
should start using ''Reg. U.S. Pat. Off." on their trade marks. That makes
sense because every Spalding tag after 1905 has that on it, while before 1905 it
is missing.
Trade Mark Act of 1905
SEC. 28. U.S.C., title 15, sec. 107. That it shall be the duty of the registrant to
give notice to the public that a trade--mark is registered, either by affixing
thereon the words ''Registered in U.S. Patent Office,'' or abbreviated thus,
''Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.,'' or when, from the character or size of the trade--mark,
or from its manner of attachment to the article to which it is appropriated, this
cannot be done, then by affixing a label containing a like notice to the package
or receptacle wherein the article or articles are inclosed: and in any suit for
infringement by a party failing so to give notice of registration no damages shall
be recovered, except on proof that the defendant was duly noti?ed of
infringement and continued the same after such notice.

Victor/Wright & Ditson:
Evolution of Wright & Ditson and Victor Sporting Goods Co. name and mergers:
- Victor Sporting Goods Co. - pre 1918
- Wright & Ditson - pre 1918
- Wright & Ditson, Victor Co. - c. 1918 - 1927
- Reach, Wright & Ditson - post 1927
Draper & Maynard:
- In 1937 Draper & Maynard was bought out by GoldSmith of Cincinnati, Ohio. After John F. Maynard’s death in 1937 the company was sold to
Goldsmith in July and by October the entire company ceased to exist in Plymouth NH. GoldSmith retained the D&M brand, but it was not same D&M. Any
reference to Cincinnati, Ohio on a D&M box or label would mean it is post 1937. By 1945 GoldSmith merged with McGregor, and by 1952 the company
was just called McGregor. You can still find equipment from the 1950s with both the D&M and McGregor labeling on them.
Horace Partridge:
Thos E. Wilson/Wilson:
-The Thos E. Wilson company did not exist until 1916. Any reference to Wilson equipment prior to 1916 is not possible.
1913 - Chicago's Ashland Manufacturing Company is founded to develop innovative ways of using the slaughterhouse by-products of the meat packing
firm Schwarzchild and Sulzberger.
1914 - After Thomas E. Wilson is named president, the young company breaks from its parent to focus on sports oriented products. The goal is to grow
through innovation and quality, and to promote athletics and sports.
1916 - Ashland Manufacturing is renamed as Thomas E. Wilson Co.
1919 - A distribution agreement with Western Sporting Goods boosts the Wilson reputation as a premier supplier of uniforms, and Wilson becomes the
official supplier of the Chicago Cubs.
1925 - The name Thomas E. Wilson Co. is replaced with Wilson-Western Sporting Goods Company.
1931 - Wilson-Western officially changes its name to Wilson Sporting Goods Co.
Other Large or Unique Manufacturers: