Vintage Baseball Uniforms  (Scroll down page to view new uniforms)
The following is a selection of my favorites from amongst the more than 100 Vintage baseball uniforms in the collection.
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c.1920 Spalding
c.1911 - 1913 Spalding -
Ben Fillmore Uniform
c.1920 Draper & Maynard
c.1929 Spalding
c.1915 -1920 Wright & Ditson
c.1925 Thos E. Wilson
c.1910 unknown
maker. Cadet Collar
c.1902 Spalding
c.1915 -1920 Spalding
c.1925 Spalding pull-over
c.1945 - 1950 Rawlings
c.1920 Spalding pull-over
c.1913 Spalding
c.1920 Thos E. Wilson
c.1920 Victor Sporting Goods
c.1920s Spaldings
c.1909 Spalding -
Joseph F. Dufek
c.1920 Spalding
c.1920 Lincoln Sporting
Goods Co.
c.1920 Victor - Wright &
c.1920s Draper & Maynard
Cadet Collar
c.1920 Spalding
1920s Ed Maynard Inc.
1910s L. Bamberger & Co.
c.1905 Peerless
c.1910 Spalding.  Cadet
Collar w/ Detachable Sleeves
c.1910 Wright & Ditson.
Cadet Collar
c.1915  Cadet Collar
c.1920 Draper & Maynard-
c.1910 Wright & Ditson. Full Collar
- Detachable Sleeves.
c.1910 Spalding.  Full Collar -
Detachable Sleeves.
c.1905 Spalding
c.1910 Marshall E. Smith.  
Full Collar.
c.1910 Unknown Maker.  Full
c.1910 Unknown Maker.  Full
c.1903 Unknown Maker.  Full
c.1915 Spalding.  Cadet
c.1920  Spalding
c.1915 Wright & Ditson.
c.1913 Spalding. Cadet
c.1910 Spalding. Full
c.1920 Spalding. Cadet
c.1915 Unknown Maker
c.1900 Full Collar w/ Full
Length Sleeves
c.1906 Spalding Full
Collar. UPenn.
c.1915  Spalding
c.1920  Thos E. Wilson
Vintage Baseball Uniforms Rack
c.1913  Spalding
c.1910  Spalding
c.1905  Spalding
c.1928  Spalding